Jules Chevalier

A white plate with scrambled eggs, spinach and tomato.

Simple Meals

August 10th, 2018

Start each meal with:

Green leafy vegetables


Healthy oil or fat source

Add flavor (optional)

Enjoy and feel good!

Example foods:

Veggies I tend to cycle through:

Kale, spinach, arugula, swiss chard, collard greens, broccoli

Protein sources I use:

Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Eggs. All are well sourced, meaning pasture raised, no hormones or antibiotics. I used to eat wild caught Salmon and Tuna until I discovered I had mercury poisoning.

Oils & fats:

Olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, avocado oil, avocado mayo.


Salt and pepper, lemon/lime juice, coconut aminos (similar to soy sauce), vinegar, spices.


Forget about eating certain foods for certain meals. If I want eggs, I eat them for any meal. If I have chicken and spinach cooked, I eat that for my first meal of the day.

Figure out what your body does best with. How many meals does your body need? Snacks? Eating window?

If you’re having any kind of food difficulties, I recommend an elimination diet to find out what your body doesn’t like.

Do what works for you! Ignore this completely if it doesn’t work for you.

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