Jules Chevalier

A sleeping kitty looking content while curled up on themselves in shrimp pose.


January 21st, 2020

Take a rest day. A real rest day. The kind where you give yourself permission to do nothing productive. The kind where you avoid your phone and social media so that you can be with yourself. You brain needs a break from information overload and the fast paced thinking that our current culture seems to demand.

A rest day is like a restart for you mind. It will clean out the the junk collecting dust in the corners. The day after a rest day, you will marvel at the productivity you have, how easily you solve difficult problems and how positive you feel.

When athletes train, they have days of training and then they rest. The rest is critical to progress. It is a cycle. Effort, rest. Effort, rest. That effort can be athletic, creative, learning, or any deep practice you are trying to grow or improve.

The better you are rested, the better you will be able to do the work you dream about.

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