Jules Chevalier

A landscape of three strange trees backlit against the rising sun.

New Beginnings

July 17th, 2018

A blank page. A new project with no tasks. A new city. A new crowd.

There is a special feeling with new beginnings. Full of hope, opportunity and possibility. It can be anything because nothing has yet been ruled out. No decisions made, no paths yet closed off.

A clean slate. A chance to make your own decisions. The time to lead.

Slowly, information will come forward. By research, by constraints, and decisions will have to be made. Once possible to go in any direction will become a direction to move in. As you begin to do the work, more things become clear. A direction becomes a path.

If you do well, others will join you party. Your pace will change. Not all decision will be yours. There will be missteps and turns, but it will be well enough. One can’t control much after all.

Before long, past decisions will float to the surface and they will stink. If you’ve planned well, it might not stink too bad. But chances are you don’t have that much experience yet, so it will stink.

Next, it won’t be as new, as shiny. It will be your mess, because you made it. You will wallow in it. Learning from your choices, knowing what you would do differently. Just in time to do it all over again.

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