Jules Chevalier

A close up of orange tulips with and tall city buildings in the background that are out of focus.

Git Favorites

February 4th, 2020

Here are a few helpful tricks that I enjoy while using git. You can read more about the basics if you haven't used git before.

What changes have I added?

You probably know about git diff which lets you look at unstaged changes, but did you know that you can look at your staged changes as well? 🙌 Game changer!

git diff --staged

There are different ways to view the log output

git log --oneline

git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"

git log --pretty=format:"Commit Hash: %H, Author: %aN, Date: %aD"

Delete multiple branches at the same time

git branch -d feature other-feature bug-fix moar-fixes

Rebase over merge

Be careful with this - it will overwrite history. I only use this on a branch where I am the only one adding commits.

git pull origin main --rebase

git push -f origin feature-branch

2020 update: I now use main for the default branch. You can do that yourself by following these three steps.

If you want to read more about rebasing and reasons to use it over merge, this is a great explanation.

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