Jules Chevalier

White peony flowers against a light grey background

Favorite Things

May 10th, 2020

These are a few things that have made a big difference to my life.

Earplug headphones

It was 2005 when I first discovered headphones that blocked out noise. In ear, earplug noise blocking, not noise-cancelling mind you. It made a profound difference in the way I experienced the world. It limits so much sensory input and reduces the overall mental load. I am calmer and able to focus better. I can connect with my breath better. Etymotic was the company I was introduced to, which I have still not found a true wireless replacement for. I still have an old pair of these that work just fine that I use from time to time, especially in airplanes. I have tried Plugfones which were okay, but I feel the noise-cancelling on the AirPods Pro do the best wireless job.

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are a frequency you listen to in headphones that can help to alter your brain waves. The topic needs more research, but from personal experience with using them for well over a decade, they really make a difference. I mix binaural beats with music that matches the zone I am shifting into. I use them for 3 main modes: focus(gamma), workout(beta), and sleep(theta for wind down and then delta for falling asleep). There are many apps for your phone that you can use, this is the one I like. Here is a website where you can check it out. Must use headphones for the effect, as there is different sounds for each ear.

Weighted Blanket

This has been the most surprising one. The sense of comfort and calm this provides is something that improves my every day. I have two: one that stays in bed and one on the couch. I use a twin size since this is not something my husband is interested in. I use one with glass beads which is nice because it will warm up a little over time (I run cold in my legs and feet so it's a feature to me). I went with the 10% of my body weight suggestion, and I am considering going heavier, at least for my couch version. This is the one I have which is less than $100.

Sun Lamp

I live in New England, so I discovered long ago that light therapy is essential for me to navigate winter and rainy days. It improves my mood and gives me energy.

Solfeggio Frequencies

Okay hear me out on this one. This is a bit of a woo-woo or new age thing. I try to balance between keeping an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. I don't think the science is there on this one, but if I am feeling anxious or really negative, listing to one of these frequencies takes the edge off and helps me come back to center. Even if it's just the placebo effect, if always works, so that is good enough for me. There are many frequencies, but I really only find myself listening to one: Spotify or YouTube.

Smart Light Bulbs

Color temperature is super important to me. Maybe it's the photographer in me, but I crave soft, warm light, especially before bed. Philips Hue is in almost every room in our house. We used it mostly to control the color temperature & brightness via HomeKit Scenes. We do have a few of the Edison bulbs in the living room which help to set a mood. The color bulbs are fun to light a room up with colors. My current favorite is to turn our TV room magenta. Very Retro Wave.

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