Jules Chevalier

A german shepard dog standing on a snow covered lake with mountains in the background.

Don't limit what's possible

November 29th, 2020

It’s so easy to assume the worst. As humans, we are programmed to do that for survival. When we were hunters and gatherers, the slightest threat could mean death. For most of us, that is no longer true. So we have to ask ourselves if the messages we tell ourselves come from us or our programming?

For example: I have a friend who lost their love to a brutal battle with cancer. My friend was alone before they met their love and assumes that they will be for the rest of their life. That is a story they tell themselves. Is it true? It doesn’t have to be if they choose to remain open to the possibilities.

A different friend is recently single and assumes they can’t meet new people during COVID. Is that assumption true? No - there are millions of people meeting new people and dating during this time. They just have to keep an open mind to how that works in this century and in this current context.

To you, dear reader, I tell you this: let go of stories and judgments that come from outside of you. The right time is on your time. If you find yourself dreaming and thinking about something - that could your obligation to your highest self. Other people don’t have to understand, as long as it feels right to you. We aren’t here to fit into a narrative of a racist, patriarchal, capitalist society - we are here to be free.

So go after your wishes and dreams - small and large. You deserve to be happy and find peace.

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