Jules Chevalier

A white plate with baby carrots and a dipping container filled with Dill Dressing.

Dill Dressing

August 25th, 2020

This has been such a joy to discover.

I was craving a dip that was kinds like a French onion sour cream dip, but maybe more like the texture of ranch. I needed it to be non-dairy and FODMAP free, which is tricky: garlic and onion are in a lot of dressings.

When making this, I don't usually measure: I just taste and adjust. Here are the started ratios.


This dressing is great for:

  • Dipping: carrots, veggies, chips
  • Salad dressing; I usually thin it a little
  • Mayo replacement/flavor up
  • Burgers (especially turkey)

Where to buy:

Mayo - I can find the mayo in natural foods stores and now even in my regular chain grocery store.

Coconut Vinegar - I can usually find this at a natural foods store

Garlic Infused Olive Oil - I have not found this in any store, though I do see more products from this great brand in both natural and regular grocery stores. I buy this on Amazon.

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