Jules Chevalier

A sandy shore with gently breaking waves.

Finding Your Way Out Of Crisis

July 10th, 2019

Coming back from crisis is tough. That moment when you realize you are in over your head and not coping well. When your emotions are so overwhelming that your ability to think logically is impaired. We’ve all been there. Maybe it was a perfect storm of circumstances. Maybe something important went seriously wrong. Whatever the cause, having a plan of how to navigate back to calm or even just okay is crucial in the moment. Having a plan of what to do when you’re not thinking clearly will allow you to take action without having to decide anything.

There are different levels of crisis, and some are more accurately labeled trauma. For the purpose of this essay, I am not referring to the that kind of crisis. Working through the aftermath of trauma is best done with a licensed therapist. These suggestions might still help you in the short term.

Out of Crisis Plan:

Walk away from the situation that has caused your emotional state. Go somewhere safe or at least somewhere else.

Breath. Deep breaths. Many of them. Feel it in your whole body as you breath. When I am in crisis, I have a hard time connecting to my body through breath and find the 4-7-8 breathing technique a way to self-rescue. It seems overly simple, breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, breath out for 8 seconds - but what a huge shift this brings every time I reach for it.

If you haven’t eaten anything lately, eat something. Hunger could be exacerbating the situation.

Let someone know you are not okay. Reaching out to someone you trust can make you feel less alone and emotionally supported. Hearing that you are not irrational it can help to put you at ease.

Remind yourself what is going well. Today might have gone to shit, but there are many joyous aspects in your life. Giving them acknowledgement and focus will redirect your energy towards the positive.

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