Jules Chevalier

Inside a green leafy bush, looking up at the sunlight peeking between the leaves.


July 12th, 2019

Feeling busy is a helpful indicator. It’s not a pleasant feeling. It can feel emotionally painful. Humans seek pleasure and seek to avoid pain according to the Pleasure-Pain Principle. When you begin feeling the rushed pain of being ‘busy’ that is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on everything you have going on. Look at what you have taken on, it is too much. Your pace is not sustainable. What can you deprioritize or set back the timelines of? Perhaps you need to just take a day for yourself and do what makes you happy?

If you look at your current efforts and everything seems like a ‘must do’, then what you are really telling yourself that you are missing the why. If you can identify what aligns to your values or a strategy or goal you have set, those are the things you should keep. Just because someone has asked something of you does not mean you are obligated. Or maybe you can communicate to them that you don’t have the bandwidth right now. Or let them know what other priorities their request is competing against. We are human beings not human doings.

Once you have created some space to breath, it’s is time to reconnect with yourself. Do something that makes you happy. Flex your creativity. Spend time practicing a hobby. Play. Go somewhere you’re been wanting to, just because. Stepping outside of the negative feedback loop of busy, you’ll be reminded that the world is a magical place ✨.

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