Jules Chevalier

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Affirm Yourself

June 23rd, 2020

Definition of Affirm:

1. state as a fact; assert strongly and publicly.

2. offer (someone) emotional support or encouragement.

We all experience negative thoughts that replay on loop, throughout our lives. They are usually related to not being good enough, being behind in life, or that others are somehow better than you. I want you to know, that just because a thought happens, does not make it true. The mind is just a helpful tool that we can pick up when needed and put down when no longer needed. The goal is to drive your life from intention, not from the running monologue of the mind.

The more frequent the automatic negative thought, the less likely it is true; it is your brain's programming trying it's best to protect you from something it doesn't understand. Instead of only negative thought patterns running through your mind — why not add some positive ones as well? Affirmations are short, simple sentences that encourage you to think in new ways and find new possibilities.

The goal of affirmations is to shift your focus to motivational thoughts and beliefs. Changing your beliefs or rewriting your inner monologue can impact your life in the way good habits can. It can help you to achieve your goals, if you are willing to put in the work.

Affirmations I Find Helpful

I love and accept you just the way you are

I can do hard things

I will do things in my own time, when I am ready

I get better every day

I am proud of myself

I have something to offer the world

Growth isn't always comfortable, but I am showing up anyways

Even though I am scared, I am still showing up

Why not me?

I welcome all of the ways the universe wants to bless me

There is enough for everyone

I believe I am truly enough

I deserve love and acceptance

The world craves me and my gifts

My differences are my gifts

I am present with myself

I am letting go of what doesn’t serve me

I am grateful for my body

I am becoming

I am connected with source

What are your affirmations? I would love to hear.

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